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The 2025 Agenda is shown below. Please check back for updates.

All times are Eastern Standard Time (EST)

FWC and Federal Partners

Time Presentations
9:00 Welcome. Maria Merrill, FWC
9:05 Update on Florida's Sea Turtle Stranding Trends. Morgan Wideroff, FWC
9:25 Update on the 2024 Marine Turtle Nesting Season in Florida. Simona Ceriani, FWC
9:55 Marine Turtle Management Update. Robbin Trindell, FWC
10:10 Marine Debris Program. Jennifer McGee, FWC
10:30 Break
10:55 FWC Sea Turtle Lighting Team. Kristin Halley and Eric Seckinger, FWC
11:10 Update on Florida's Shorebirds. Blair Hayman, FWC
11:25 Federal Sea turtle Updates. Karen Frutchey USFWS and Stacy Hargrove, NOAA
11:45 Questions from Morning Session
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Wildlife Alert Update. Patrick Walsh, Wildlife Alert
1:45 Small Bar Spacing TED. Christy Fellas, NOAA
2:00 Brevard Zoo Species Conservation Programs. Trevor Zachariah, Brevard Zoo
2:15 Sea Turtle Rescue, Education, and Volunteer Programs. Sea Turtle Preservation Society
2:30 Return of the King: 8 Years of Indigo Snake Reintroductions in the Florida Panhandle. Bradley OHanlon, FWC
2:45 USACE Sea Turtle Monitoring and Marine Turtle Permit Holder Process. Julia Lombardo, USACE
3:00 Questions from Afternoon Session
3:15 Break

Marine Turtle Grant Presentations

Time Presentations
3:30 Sea Turtle Tag Update. David Godfrey, Sea Turtle Conservancy
3:50 Displays at the Barrier Island Center telling the interconnecting stories of Doc Ehrhart, his students, sea turtles and the Carr Refuge. Nichole Perna
4:05 Sea Turtle Rehabilitation Ultrasound System. Bette Zirkelbach, The Turtle Hospital
4:20 City of Miami - Invited
4:35 Late-Season Sea Turtle Nesting in Central and South Brevard County, Florida. Erin Seney and Merope Moonstone
4:50 Questions
5:00 Adjourn

FWC = Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

USFWS = U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

NOAA= National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration