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Some of the talks include data that has not yet been published. If the talk you are looking for is not in the following list, please Contact Us to put you in touch with the author. 

FWC and Federal Partners

Time Presentations
9:00 Welcome. Ron Mezich, FWC

Update on Florida's Sea Turtle Stranding Trends. Morgan Wideroff, FWC


Update on the 2023 Marine Turtle Nesting Season in Florida. Simona Ceriani, FWC

9:55 Marine Turtle Management Update. Robbin Trindell, FWC

Pier Pressure: Incidental Captures of Sea Turtles at Gulf of Mexico Fishing Piers. Robby Brannum, FWC

10:25 Break
10:55 FWC Sea Turtle Lighting Team. Kristin Halley and Eric Seckinger, FWC
11:10 An Update on Imperiled Beach Nesting Bird Species Conservation Measures and Permitting Guidelines. Nick Vitale, FWC Staff

Federal Sea turtle Updates. Karen Frutchey USFWS and Brian Stacy, NOAA

11:50 Questions from Morning Session
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Wildlife Alert Update. Cyndi Stinson, Wildlife Alert
1:35 Managing Florida’s Habitats And Species Under Changing Conditions. Logan Benedict, FWC
1:50 Sea Turtle Sex Ratio Research. Jeanette Wyneken, Florida Atlantic University

Loggerhead Breeding Sex Ratios Across Florida. Jake Lasala, Ian Silver-Gorges, Brian Shamblin, Mariana Fuentes


Sea Turtle Academy STEM: Empowering Students to Build Solutions to Sea Turtle Threats. Sarah Rhodes-Ondi, Sea Turtle Conservancy

2:45 Questions from Afternoon Session
3:00 Break

Marine Turtle Grant Presentations

Time Presentations
3:30 Sea Turtle Tag Update. David Godfrey, Sea Turtle Conservancy
3:50 Behavioral Responses of Green and Loggerhead Sea Turtles to Fishing Gear and Bycatch Reduction Technologies. Janie Reavis, Inwater Research Group
4:05 Establishing Baseline Demographics and Health of a Globally Important Loggerhead Rookery. Sarah Hirsch and Justin Perrault, Loggerhead Marinelife Center

Critical Surgical Equipment for Intensive Care. Devon Rollinson-Ramia, The Sea Turtle Hospital at Whitney Laboratory


Integrating Multiple Bio-Logging Techniques to Study Sea Turtle Behaviors and Stress Responses. Mariana Fuentes, Ian Silver-Gorges, Sophie Rosengarten, Coral Hooper, Sophie Mills and Joshua Manning, Florida State University

4:50 Questions
5:00 Adjourn